Saturday, August 28, 2004


I have another blog about what else but.......COOKIES!

Check it out, let me know what you think.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

an interesting conversation....

Realized a few things today, these realizations being sparked by various conversations. One with my parents, one chatting with a friend.

The group of people I hang out with here in Cali may need a re-vamp. I love them all and always will but there are quite a few problems with them and I hanging out much.

Problem one: my ex. I love the guy I do but he's making my life too difficult. He's so sweet and has really grown up alot. He's defintely not the same guy I dated in high school. Except for one thing: he still thinks he loves me. Being loved is good, we all need it. But it's getting to the pont where I'm actually uncomfortable being alone with him, even if everyone else is around, I get weirded out and start feeling stifled if it ends up just being the two of us talking. I've been making it a point to avoid one-on-one hanging out with him for this reason, but now I don't even want to have a one-on-one conversation with him even if there are other people with us. I'm not sure how I'm going to fix this. I just want him to get himself a girl and get over me, I can't handle being responsible for his happiness.

Problem two: my sister's best friend. I lvoe the guy, he's the big brother I never had growing up. But as the center of our group of friends, he also has no real job, dropped out of college and is just kinda frittering away all his talent doing nothing. And he's so talented that I hate to see him doing nothng with it. It's begining to rub off on people, I can't afford that.

Problem three: I'm the only one with a kid. I don't think any of them quite understand how difficult it is for me to get out the house these days. Molly requires lots and lots of stuff and obviously she's my first priority. Their dogs make me nervous and while it's nice to have someone else keep an eye on her for a bit, I'm selfish and don't want to share her *that* much. I only get so much time before I start working again , I want to get the most out of what time I do get to spend with her. I have a very different mindset than them, I have to put someone besides myself first, they don't.

So I think the solution is to try and cultivate some new friendships. I've been trying and will continue in that effort. In no way am I planning to totally abandon my old friends, I just need new ones who understand my new life a little better.

The other thing is that there are too many boys in my life. They are complicated and silly and I need to wean myself off of them.

Haha! You thought you were gonna get the juicy details there didn't you? Too bad.

Saturday, August 21, 2004


Jayce and her motivated-ness got me thinking, I need to be productive again. I swear, I feel so blah cause I have nothing to accomplish these days. I have to get my kicks from getting sleep and getting out of the house for an hour or two. I need goals.

here goes:
  • finally finish unpacking and organizing my room
  • get back in shape
  • get back into writing (this one will take awhile)
  • choreograph a number for the ballet company
  • keep this updated

that's all I can think of right now, I'll let you know if I come with anymore.

also, music update:

I bought the Franz Ferdinand and Scissor Sisters albums today. Not bad, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to use them much for teaching. Tomorrow I'm going o get Black Eye Peas, Beyonce, and Britney Spears (blech). I thought about getting the Usher album, but I just dislike it too much, I'd kill myself.

another update:

I tapped on Monday! I haven't tapped for almost three years. The other tap teacher (my old jazz and tap teacher) and I got together to plan a syllabus for next year and I was pretty proud of myself for remembering as much as I did. I get to substitute teach for a tap and a ballet class this coming Thursday, ack! Think good thoughts for me, I'll need 'em.

Saturday, August 14, 2004


the babysitter problem is solved hooray!!! A woman who goes to my church is going to babysit tue/thurs and I'm so excited. She's very cool, very relaxed and I trust her completely. Hooray!

Friday, August 13, 2004

the meme post...cause I wanna be one of the cool kids too!

I even provided a cheat sheet cause I'm so cool like that ;)

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

cause I feel like it that's why.

I got this in an email today, normally I hate these things, but I figured why not? Since I have nothing better to blog about I figured I'd put my answers in here, because I know how much everyone is just *dying* to know them. I'm deleting some of the questions though cause they don't really make sense in this context but I'm too lazy to change the with it.

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?Robynne Jacqueline Smith

3. Nickname? Robs, Robsy, Bobbin-Robynne, Bean

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 22

7. Hair color? naturally, kind of a blond-ish brown, but at the moment it's a very faded red. It'll either be blond-ish or really red in a week. I can't decide.

8. Tattoos?Nope

9. How much do you love your job on a scale of 1 to 5?'d be a 5 if I didn't have to deal with crazy ballet moms.

10. Favorite color? red

11. Hometown? Irvine, CA but was born in Johannesburg, South Africa

13. Favorite food? mac and cheese, roast potatos

14. Been to Africa? yup

15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yeah

16. Been in a car accident? Yes, twice, neither one was my fault though.

17. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits

18. Sprite or 7UP? cherry 7up

19. Favorite Movie? The Princess Bride

20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas

21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

22. Favorite Restaurant? I don't have one...I miss Lido in Oklahoma City though, good food and a lot for cheap, yay!

23. Favorite Flowers? Dafodils and Cala lilies

24. Favorite beverage? cherry 7up, chocolate brownie frappachino from Starbucks (damn them for not having it anymore)

25. Favorite sport to watch? basketball and baseball but only live, I can't watch it on tv.

26. Preferred type of ice cream? mint chocolate chip and napoleon (or neopolitan if you insist)

27. How many times did you fail your driver's test? once, I swear it wasn't my fault.

29. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? Target, get a little bit of everything.

30. What do you do most often when you are bored? read, browse the worth forums, chat

31. Name the person you are friends with that lives the furthest away: Daniel, in Florida and soon to be the Ukraine.

32. Most annoying thing people ask or tell me? if I'm getting any sleep. I have a one month old baby, of course I'm not getting any sleep!

33. What is your Bedtime? about 1:30am, then every two hours after that.

36. Favorite TV show? The Amazing Race

37. Last person you went out to dinner with? my sister and my friends.

38. Last movie you went out and saw? Spiderman 2

39. Last Concert you saw? Paul McCartney, I think. I can't remember actually.

If you're really bored you could answer these too, but I won't hold my breath.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

yay me!

so for all my procrastination I got an A- on my paper! YAY!

it also means I graduated cum laude, woohoo!

Friday, August 06, 2004

I'm a posting machine today!

So my new project is to get my music library updated for when I start teacing again. Anyone with suggestions is my new best friend.

These are my guidelines for picking music:

-it has to be something you can dance to. Fast or slow is not the issue, but this can exclude some rock and alternative songs :(

-the lyrics have to be clean. I teach kids as young as 5 or 6 when it comes to jazz classes so the while they don't have to be kiddie songs, they have to be clean. I refuse to be one of those jazz teachers that has 6 year olds dancing to "Tootsie Roll"

-the kids need to like it, if they don't my job is a whole lot harder.

I already know I'm going to have to buy Britney Spears (bleh) and probably Ashlee Simpson (double bleh) to keep 'em happy. Anyone got any other suggestions?


woohoo! I am done! I am now officially graduated and finished with school hooray! Hmmmmm..I think I'll make myself some cookies to celebrate....

edit to add that my paper is awesome, I'm proud of it. Just shy of 15 pages, but full of substance, yeah! If I could link it and actually think anyone would bother to read it I would. But I'm not stupid, I know no one else wants to read it so I'll just sit here smiling to myself and proud of how good it is.

Nope, still not done. I have 7 pages done. I am so bad.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I'm so spoilt...

thanks cit for making all my linkys for me! I suppose if I really wanted I could have done it myself, but I'm ever so happy and grateful he did it for me. I'm so spoilt, but I'm not complaining...

In other news I'm the world's greatest procrastinator. I was four credits short of my degree as of April, so I worked out an independant study class with one of my professors, all I had to do was write a 15 page paper comparing the approch to society as illustrated in the myths of the Ancient Sumerians vs. the Ancient Hebrews. Subject I love, no big deal right? I've had since May to work on it and how much have I done? Not a thing. When is it due? August 6. EEK!!! And of course, now I have no time to sit and work on it like I normally would have done, I have to steal bits and peices of time to work on it. I've thought about it alot though, so at least I have an idea of what I'm doing, now I just have to sit and write it. I'm such a loser.