Saturday, March 19, 2005

2 years

I really hate sleeping alone. I've been doing it for pretty much 2 years and I'm still not used to it. I miss feeling someone else's weight in bed with me, a hint of body heat against me, the tickle of their breath against my ear. I think this may be the cause of my recent inability to go to bed. Once I make myself go to bed I'm out like a light, my probem is that I hate having to make myself do it. Probably all this congestion isn't helping.

On a completely un-related note, I had a bunch of students apologize to me today. A whole group of them have been acting like little s**** lately and all the teachers got together and told them to get rid of the attitude or go find something else to do. Sometimes it's fun to be in charge.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


I have lots of things to say tonight:

  • hahaha! take that Daniel, you always laughed at me for my notion of having "comfort books" well guess what? I just bought and read Sunshine by Robin McKinley (my favorite author ever) and the protagonist talks about comfort books just like me!
  • I am turning into an insomniac.
  • Someone please explain this stragnge thing to me: I keep getting sick with an awful earache and a spore throat and congestion, but then as soon as I floss my teeth, I feel better. Weird. At least floss is cheaper than going to the doctor.
  • I am giving up on contestant C. I can't take this single-but-not-really-single-but-I-don't-know-what-the-hell-is-going-on business anymore. I want someone to date me or don't date me. None of this sorta dating thing. The reason we aren't dating is that he is having some sort of emotional/spiritual conflict going on but he won't even give me a hint as to what the heck it's all about. I HATE being left in the dark. Right Daniel? The absolute worst thing though is that it feels as if everytime we make any kind of physical contact, even just brushing against each other in passing, it's as if he flinches. FLINCHES! Like I have some sort of disease. Flinching definately does not go down well with me, I'm an affection addict.
  • I think Sunshine is my new favorite book.
  • I'm taking a Pilates class again (finally) starting toorrow. YAY!
  • I thought of at least five more things to say and now I forgot them. Stupid insomnia.
  • There better be an email from a certain someone about how much they love my care packages as soon as they back from Kiev. ;)
  • Girl Scout cookies rock.
  • My feet are cold.

Ok, I've run out of things to share. I like pink. Oh, that's one more. I should start saving this stuff up for a rainy day. Or a foggy day, that's much more likely. Well, no, it's supposed to rain this weekend. You know, for sunny southern California, it's sure been raining a lot.

Ok, I'm done now.


now I'm done.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

She's crawling!!!!!!

And also trying very hard to pull herself up on the furniture but that usually ends in tears when she falls down again. Isn't it amazing how you can be so proud of yourself over something you had pretty much nothing to do with?

Saturday, March 05, 2005


My mom got her new car today! It's a 2005 Mazda Tribute, it was the dealer model so it's not new, but it's agot all the luxury stuff and has hardly any milage on it. And guess what that means?? Oh yeah baby, I got my mom's car!!! Happy happy day!!