I'm a posting machine today!
So my new project is to get my music library updated for when I start teacing again. Anyone with suggestions is my new best friend.
These are my guidelines for picking music:
-it has to be something you can dance to. Fast or slow is not the issue, but this can exclude some rock and alternative songs :(
-the lyrics have to be clean. I teach kids as young as 5 or 6 when it comes to jazz classes so the while they don't have to be kiddie songs, they have to be clean. I refuse to be one of those jazz teachers that has 6 year olds dancing to "Tootsie Roll"
-the kids need to like it, if they don't my job is a whole lot harder.
I already know I'm going to have to buy Britney Spears (bleh) and probably Ashlee Simpson (double bleh) to keep 'em happy. Anyone got any other suggestions?
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