wow. this weekend has been verrrrrrrrrry interesting.
For those of you who need a refresher on the cast of characters:
A: just got a new girlfriend who I like very much. I'm finally releived of the guilt that I may have scarred him for life. Yay!
B: whoa. lots more on
B in a minute.
C: I've done a 180 on
C. After cooling informing me that he'll "let me know if or when he's ready to date me,"
C is not very high on the list of people on my good side. In fact, over the last few weeks he has gotten progressively more and more annoying. He's pretty much become a self-centered drama queen. I think I rolled my eyes or wanted to shoot myself at least 20 times over the course of this evening.
So, on to this weekend:
A couple of us heard that there was going to be this spectacular meteor shower, peaking on Friday night and continuing through Sat night.
B suggested that after Bible study on Fri we head over to the hills where we hiked to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July. I thought this was a great idea. Unfortunately it was cloudy but we thought it might be better up in the hills. So we hiked up there. It was
B, myself, my brother and three other people.
C skipped out because he had a "migraine." (if two Advil can get rid of it I don't consider it a migraine) We got about a qurter of a mile up the trail before we realized that the sky was not getting any clearer and my brother pointed out that the meteors were supposed to be on the other side of the ridge we were hiking next to. So, we doubled back a bit and found a way to get to the trail on the top of the ridge. One of the guys had brought a guitar so he pulled it out and we just chilled on top of the ridge for a couple of hours.
B and I spent most of those hours cuddling in some way. It was so peaceful there. Just standing on this ridge in the dark, listening to a guitar, someone singing occasionaly, with
B's arms wrapped around me. I will freely admit I could have stayed there all night. Nothing happened other than cuddling but it was nice.
Jump to tonight:
Tonight was "Board Game night." We get together at the church, whoever wants to brings snacks or food, we play board games for a few hours. Speed Uno is a favorite of ours. Sadly, tonight it was only
B, myself, my brother and
C. Wow. Talk about all shades of awkward and uncomfortable.
When we had to leave the church ( the janitors arrived) we decided to head back up to the hills to see if we could see anything better than Fri night. My brother bailed which would have left just me,
B and
C but thankfully someone else called up and decided to join us.
The view wasn't much better tonight but it was still so peaceful to be up there. Unfortunately, because
C was there, there could really be no cuddling. I was very frustrated.
B was too. But
B and I managed to score the backseat to ourselves on the way back to our cars so we feigned sleep and got a bit of cuddling in that way. Grrrrr, still frustrating.
My brother had taken my car to go home so
B gave me a ride. I hopped out before anything else could happen. Not because I didn't want it to but because that is not a decision I can make lightly right now. Nothing's been said so I don't really know how
B feels about all this. I do know that if anything were to happen between us there's no way it could be just a fling, but at the same time, both of us are really gun-shy of a serious relationship. We're both single parents and I'm not sure either of us is really ready to take that on in someone else. This is scary new ground for me. I have no idea what's going to happen next. Stayed tuned as the drama unfolds.....