Sunday, September 11, 2005

long story short.

I've been tyring all week to blog the events of last weekend. I can't even figure out how to write them all down in a way that will make sense so I'm going to try and do it chonologically.

Friday, Sept. 2: Official first day of my vacation with my siblings. Spend the morning packing, putzing around the house. That afternoon I saw B. Can't remember what we did but it was nice. Friday night we checked into the hotel (the Anaheim Hilton, I highly reccomend, they were extremely courteous and the place was really they have a Starbucks in the lobby). The baby refused to go to sleep until everyone went to bed. She woldn't stop crying when I put her in her crib so she ended up sleeping in the double bed that my sister and I were sharing. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. Probably four hours total.

Sat, Sept. 3: A friend of ours took the baby for the day. My siblings and I spend the day at Disneyland. Very fun. We went on all the new rides: the new Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyears Astro-blasters (it's just like the Men in Black ride at Universal Studios, only Toy Story themed), Soaring over California (not new but really cool), and the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. All four were very very fun. We left at about 3 to go see one of our friends who was playing a concert that afternoon and to pick up the baby. Also very fun. Great band, great concert. That night I decided to stay at home with the baby so we could actually get some decent sleep. B came over with his little boy for awhile and the babies played together. Really really nice.

Sun, Sept. 4: Go to Disneyland with the siblings and the baby. My brother took off as soon as we got in the gates to spend the day by himself. My sister and I took the baby on Small World. She sat in the boat between us, just staring with the biggest eyes at everything. Since my sister and I were both starving by then, we decided to go get some lunch. I got in line to buy us hot dogs, she got in line to get us some ice cream, cause it was HOT! As I was standing in line I started getting light-headed. I knew I needed food and needed it then or I was going to pass out. The line was crawling though. I thought I could make it so I stayed in line. As I got up to the front of the line I was on the verge of passing out so I leaned against the counter for a minute while someone asked for napkins or straws or something. Struggling to stay upright I asked for two hot dogs, then I gave up and slid down the counter to the ground.
I never actually lost consciousness but I was damn close. I think I heard someone call for help but it was taking all my energy to stay conscious. I heard the baby crying and tried to call for my sister but I couldn't seem to get my mouth to work. Next thing I know an employee is kneeling next to me offereing me some water, asking if I'm ok. The I heard my sister come over and take charge. They asked if I wanted a nurse and my sister yes, even though I was trying to say no. I dont think anyone heard me. A nurse came and helped me walk over to some shade so I could sit down. I laid down on the ground and that helped the world stop spinning a bit. All I could think was that I was so hot and so sweaty (I hate that cold sweat I break out in before I pass out) I just wanted to lay down and sleep and then eat something. In the end, they got a wheelchair and took me off to the first aid clinic and let me lay down in a air conditioned room for a little while while my sister and baby hung out with me. I felt much better after a while so my sister got us something to eat and then I felt well enough to get going again.
Since we never got to eat the ice cream my sister had bought, we ended up getting a $10 food voucher from Disney which we used before we left. Mmmmmm, we went to this old-fashioned ice cream parlour they have and got a huge sundae and a waffle cone of chocolate frozen yogurt. I was fine, just a little fragile the rest of the day.

Mon, Sept. 4: After the adventures of the weekend I was really looking forward to Labor Day. B and I had planned to take the baby to this big park in Irvine that has a train and a zoo and pony rides, then we were going to go to dinner and a movie (I even had a baby-sitter lined up and everything!). A nice relaxing day. As we were packing up our picnic, the baby tripped over my foot and landed face-first into a corner of a wall. I swooped down to pick her up because I knew she'd be upset, it was a pretty rough fall. As I turned her over all I could see was this river of blood running down her face. Mommy mode took over and I rushed her to the sink to get a compress on her head. In the end, after both she and I were covered in blood, B got the blood to ease up so we could see how bad it was. Looking at the inch long gash in the middle of her forehead, right between the eyebrows, I decided to take her to the hospital and get it stichted up. B stayed with me the whole time, which I am so grateful for.
So my day of relaxation turned into a day spent at the hospital waiting to get stitches in my daughters head. Five stitches and three hours later, we were home. We rented two movies The Life Aquatic and the Best of Will Farrell to unwind after our intense afternoon. The Life Aquatic was really disappointing. If you liked the Royal Tennenbaum's you'll like it but if, like me, you thought it was random and uninteresting, you won't like the Life Aquatic either.

Phew. And to top it all off, I went back to work on Tues.

After a rather disappointing vacation I do have one good thing to add: B and I are half-way to being official. We talked to my parents last night, now we just need to talk to our pastor and the deed is done. I'm sure that there will be some un-pleasantness with some people in the future but I'm so happy right now I don't care. The baby got her stiches out on Fri and it's healing really well. I've been calling it her "Harry Potter" scar.

Life is crazy but good these days.


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