Monday, November 28, 2005

ouch: redux

I'm typing this perched uncomfortably on the end of my chair and slightly dazed from the drugs, please forgive any mis-spellings.

On to the story: I was up all Sat night with what I thought was a case of food poisoning. Which was very upsetting since I went out to dinner with David and some of his friends and had really yummy steak and cheese-cake. From about 3am to 7am I camped out in teh bthroom puking my gts up. Past the point where you have anything to puke, and I was in lots of pain and thought I was going to pass out. So my mom called to 24hr nurse line and I talked to them and they said to go ahead and go to the hospital, if nothing else to get some fluids pumped into me.

My dad drives me to the hospital Sun morning and they proceed to poke me and I proceed ot say "ow that hurts alot" so they took a CAT scan of my belly and it turns out my appendix is imflamed and I get rushed in for an emergency appendectomy.

I can't say I remember much at this point except that the surgeon had to explain the procedure to me and I kept falling alseep and he kept getting mad at me.

I do remember waking up in teh hospital room and my parents are syaing good-bye and David si there and is there every time I manage to keep my eyes open for a few minutes. He's a keeper.

So yeah. I got sent home this monring with instructions not to lift anything and not to work for 2 weeks. Ouch, it's gonna be a tight Christmas this year. I feel bad, my boss is in South Africa and we were already scrambling to get all our classes covered and now I'm out too. I would so rather be working than recovering from surgery.


Blogger pineapplecharm said...

You should definitely go back to work, only in a bath chair on wheels. You should wear a crazy grey wig and wave a walking stick (even though you aren't walking) while screaming incoherent obscenities at any kids who aren't dancing properly. And swigging from a hip flask of brandy.

Think of it as training for your twilight years.

2:53 AM  

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