hyjinxs...this has ruined me for work
[prettycat] i was just gonna start singing the fairy song too
[moondoingfings] sing it still!
[prettycat] knco, knock, knock...and listen very hard....
* moondoingfings listens
[prettycat] knock, knock, knock....and listen very hard
* moondoingfings listens very hard
[prettycat] knock, knock, knock...and listen very hard
* theqissilent listens even harder tan moon
[prettycat] there's no body there :(
[prettycat] oh
[prettycat] dear
[prettycat] me
[theqissilent] who's there?
* moondoingfings totally listens as hard as he can!
[prettycat] are you making a sad face moonie?
[prettycat] let me see your sad face
[moondoingfings] yeah :(
[prettycat] shaould we try with the other foot?
[moondoingfings] totally
[moondoingfings] that fairy owns me money
[prettycat] knock, knock, knock...and listen very hard
[moondoingfings] I heard the tv!
[theqissilent] serious
[prettycat] knock, knock, kncok and listen very hard
[moondoingfings] she is so in there!
[prettycat] knock, knock, knock...and licten very hard
[moondoingfings] fairy I want my money!
[prettycat] there's somebody there!!!
* moondoingfings listens some more
[prettycat] good
[prettycat] good..good
[prettycat] should we go inside the faireis house moonie?
[moondoingfings] totally
[moondoingfings] get my money
[prettycat] open the door.....
[prettycat] step inside.....
* moondoingfings steps inside
[prettycat] close the door behind you
* moondoingfings forgets to close the door
[prettycat] i think she's hiding from us
[moondoingfings] oh crap the dog got out!
[prettycat] look way down low...do you see her?
* moondoingfings runs after the dog
[prettycat] i don't see her down low
[moondoingfings] me either
[prettycat] look way up high, on your tipeetoes
[moondoingfings] she jumped out the back window
[prettycat] you're ruining my flow here moonie
[moondoingfings] lets sell her stuff to get my money back
[prettycat] lol
[moondoingfings] lol
[moondoingfings] that fairy has a coke habit I know it!
[prettycat] no, we have to jump very to high to see if she's hiing on top of the cupboard
[prettycat] are you ready?
[prettycat] 1...
[prettycat] 2....
[prettycat] 3...
[prettycat] big jump moonie!!
[ELB] why is she hiding in her own house?
* moondoingfings trips and hurts his back some more
[prettycat] shhh, littel kids don't ask questions like that
[moondoingfings] guuuuh!
[prettycat] you know why she's hiding from us moonie?
[moondoingfings] she has a coke habit
[ELB] oh crap, I just ruined it for Moon...
[prettycat] because she was outside playing and she got all dirty, she wants to take a bath before she comes out to play
[moondoingfings] she is all paranoid
[prettycat] test the bath with your toe....
[moondoingfings] is this fairy legal?
[prettycat] lol
[prettycat] ooo, that's too hot!
[prettycat] try the other toe...
[prettycat] brrrr..that's way to cold
[moondoingfings] hell yeah it's hot
[prettycat] try it again....
[moondoingfings] I'm going to take a shower with a fairy!
[prettycat] ahh, that's just right
[moondoingfings] hot!
[moondoingfings] see why I have took dance
[prettycat] lol, now we have to go make a snack while she takes a bath
[moondoingfings] never
[moondoingfings] crap!
[moondoingfings] uh
[prettycat] should we make popcorn or pizza?
[moondoingfings] you go make the snack she needs help
[prettycat] lol
* moondoingfings helps the fairy shower
[prettycat] omg moonie, you'r making my classes pg-13
* ELB sells the tape to Pixie-Smut Weekly
[prettycat] how the hell am i supposed to teach with a straight face now?
[moondoingfings] give me two more minutes and it will be NC-17
[Viaken]Give him two minutes and he'll be having a smoke...
[prettycat] damn you
[ELB] lol
[moondoingfings] lol!
[Cheveldae] lol
[prettycat] i gotta think of a new schtick now
[moondoingfings] hahahahahaha!!!
[moondoingfings] damn sorry
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